Almost Famous II

A couple of years ago I posted about my family’s flirtation with fame when we were asked to have our pictures taken for some HOA marketing materials.  I fully expected, upon the release of these photos, a rapid rise to fame for the Smith family.  The photos were released in 2008.

It’s 2010.  Still not famous.

These dashed hopes turned out to be only a murky foreshadowing of my latest brush with greatness, which happened in the sunny state of Utah, wherein Bad Things Are Not Supposed to Happen (furthering my status as a victim.)  Here’s the rundown:

Last week we spent a lovely few days in the Salt Lake area visiting family and attending my nephew’s baptism.  Ever the gracious hostess, my fabulous sister Jaimy arranged a tour of a local candy factory called Sweets, which every day makes tons (literally) of chocolates, taffy and candies  to be shipped out the world over.  Though it has an international following, Sweets is located right near the SLC airport, and we were going to see it!  I couldn’t believe my happy luck.  I never knew Salt Lake City was famous for something so uplifting and inspirational.

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that’s what I get for marrying a technorat

I never thought I’d see the day when I drooled over something that didn’t have muscles, but it’s finally arrived.  This is what I’m dreaming about for Mother’s Day, anniversary, and birthday combined:

You can do anything with this beauty and, more importantly, you will look good doing it.  I figure owning one of these will subtract a good ten years from my age and add a good twenty points to my IQ, which will still leave me far behind the genius of  my husband, who is so freakishly talented with all things digital, he really should be designing these himself.  Good thing I married him, or I’d have three faithful pen pals right now–receiving handwritten letters on stationery, no doubt– rather than three faithful readers of my blog.

Derrick claims he wants to get one of these “for me,” but we all know better.  My birthday just happens to fall six months before his, and no way can he wait until next January to get his hands on this gem.  Funny how our gift budget soars when new technology is involved.  I guess engineers need to have fun, too.

Does anyone reading this own an iPad yet?  Do you love it?  I can’t imagine not loving it.  The day I get this bad boy is the day I start blogging three times a week, which will fairly quadruple the volume of blogging I do now.  (I think I did the math right on that.  I should probably check with Derrick.)  And in case this post wasn’t exciting enough for you, don’t worry:  tomorrow I’ll be writing all about our family trips to Oregon and Utah.  I know how I excited I get at the prospect of looking at other peoples’ vacation pictures.

What is everyone else coveting that is expensive and unnecessary?  Please, ‘fess up and make me feel better about my own yearnings for such.  (I’m also fantasizing about some new pajama pants from Target.  One extravagance at a time, right?)


Over a year ago I submitted a personal essay to a literary journal called Segullah.  It was about my family, and I was honored to have it selected as one of the winners to appear in the Winter ’09 issue of the magazine.  I’d never considered posting the essay on my blog because it just seemed a little too personal, but after spending a joyful Easter weekend with my family–and thinking a lot about what spending Easter with my family means–I’m in a get-personal-kind-of-mood.  I usually avoid getting too serious on my blog, but today I’m giving in.  Although the subject matter isn’t particularly about Easter, I’ve been thinking today that every subject–everything— is absolutely about Easter.  Especially everything having to do with families.  So it just feels right to share my little story here today.  Thanks for reading it.  I hope your Easter was as lovely, and love-filled, as my own.

From Afar