Easter Weekend Lovelies:
- Introducing Ethan to Thai food on Friday night while Grandma whisked the girls off to Hannah Montana: The Movie (and yes, I did want to see that flick myself)
- Watching my girls imitate Miley’s dance moves–quite impressively, I might add–all weekend long
- Running a 5k with my husband on Saturday morning
- Beating my husband in 5k on Saturday morning
- Not letting my husband forget it since Saturday morning
- Coloring eggs with the kids; making treats with the kids; eating too much candy with the kids
- Watching kids perform creative skits about the New Testament on Saturday night; Ethan playing a mean “Martha” who is too busy making “My Tomato Sauce!” (as he called it) to sit down and listen next to Megan’s angelic portrayal of “Mary”
- Beautiful music in church on Sunday morning
- First Sunday back in Primary as new 2nd counselor; loving being back in there with my own little lovelies
- Hedonistic Easter feast after church, during which we reversed any benefits gained during 5k run
- My parents coming over to celebrate Easter and their 41st wedding anniversary. Dad giving Mom floor tickets to Billy Joel/Elton John in Seattle. Them acting as giddy as newlyweds. Me loving living by my parents.
Easter Weekend Not-So-Lovelies:
- My niece announcing that she was “suspicious” of the Easter Bunny on the car ride over to our house
- She and the rest of the kids sneaking back to our room to google up and learning that the likeliest candidate for the E.B. was, in fact, their parents
- Us adults enjoying ripe strawberries and lemon chiffon cake out front, blissfully unaware that our childrens’ innocence was being shattered just two rooms away
Guess you can’t win them all.
But it was still a great weekend.
How was yours?